Saturday, 30 November 2013

Textual analysis

How are representations constructed of reality T.V shows such as Keeping up with the Kardashians?
(This is an extract from an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians - when Kim does playboy!)

Kim Kardashian is changing her lifestyle and what she is known as, through the decisions she is making to do playboy. This is a negative representation of her, as she is showing nudity, which automatically would reduce her fan base, as this isn't what they'd want to see. Furthermore, as the shows current main audience is females, they'd be ashamed and wouldn't want to refer to the show any longer, there are fewer men who watch it, therefore they wouldn't be intrigued into it. 

The clip at 15 seconds, starts of properly with Kim doing the actual shoot. It starts of with a close up shot, with her face, and the camera man saying "like that" this initially implies she is doing some sort of shoot. Slowly the camera moves and unravels what she is wearing, the clothing she is wearing is red, which represents her to be devil-like, daring and lovable. This could be implied in many forms, one of which would be a sexually, as of her body language and gesture. There is a medium shot of her, with her posing for the camera, which automatically allows the audience to see her cleavage. This would initially allow the audience to know what she is doing, without the video pursuing further. The dialogue in the background suggests she is doing a good job, and it would indicate to her to do more, as he is saying "very nice" "thats good" etc, these would lead to her being encouraged. Moreover, the music in the background is parallel to the movement, as there are sudden shots being taken.

In addition, the camera man asks her "how much nudity are you prepared for?" the music stops and suits the scene, as it is so sudden and she is shocked, as that is not what she was expecting to be asked. Automatically Kim's facial expression changes, and replies "I don't want to be exposed for any of the shots". This is shown in a long shot, which allows the audience to see her full body, and her body language, of her hand on her hips showing she is good at what she is doing and is proud. Moreover, within this her outfit changes and she is in a bra and knickers, still again it is red, which could have connotations of sexual behaviour or devil-like attitude. 

Furthermore, this clip has a major negative impact of Kim Kardashian, as she is showing so much cleavage and she actually done the shoot, despite her sex tape being shown to everyone, worldwide. The fact that she was still willing to do playboy, shows she has no shame in herself and has the confidence to do so. However, it also has a minor positive impact on the audience, as she refuses to show nudity and remains shocked, and her mother Kris stands up for her, and says she isn't willing to do so due to her past. So, this shows how Kim and her mother have taken into consideration the past, and were only willing to show a little nudity.
This is when the Kardashians open their Kardashian Kaos store, in Las Vegas

This clip shows a different representation of Kim Kardashian, alongside her family, opposed to the top video. This clip includes her sisters, who own the store with her. Kim is showing herself as being a successful person, as of the clothing career she holds onto, and as of the new store being opened and the chaos which is being created by the audiences makes it easier to know her career is successful, because of her fans screaming and shouting.

The clip starts of with a point of view shot, as the audience is shown from Kim's perspective. This allows the audience to understand what Kim can see, and how she must be feeling seeing a large amount of audience. Furthermore, the camera slowly pans around, to show the audience and then goes to Kim in a medium shot, then slowly pans vertically down, and shows her from top to bottom. Moreover, the sound in the background is parallel and suits the scene, as it is all natural sound, nothing has been added on. 

Moreover, we see Kim posing for the camera and this shows she is prepared for pictures to be taken of her, the confidence is shown in her smile and movement, as she moves her hair swiftly. Then her sisters Kendall and Kylie are shown to be posing in a medium shot, which allows us to see their body language and movement, showing it is a family business and everyone is involved in the opening of the new store. All the family are shown to be posing, after Kim, which could connote she is the main reason for the success, and she is the main person involved. There is a long shot of Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Kris, which allows us to see their full body and what they're doing. Furthermore, there is a voice, which has a lot of power telling them what to do, directing them which way to look so images of them can be taken accurately.

In conclusion, this clip has more of a positive impact of Kim Kardashian, as she is shown to be successful and doing well, as they open their new Kardashian store as a family. This clip shows her to be very family oriented, as she opens it with her family beside her, and they're all involved. Furthermore, the clothing she is wearing promotes the new store, as it is clothing from their, which would initially encourage people to buy the products, as they would want to look like Kim, as she is a role model to some people. 

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