This is a film trailer of "Orphan" it's a horror movie, it came out in the year 2009. The storyline is based upon a girl called Esther, who is the 'Orphan', she has been adopted by a married couple, who already have two other children. Esther suffers from mental health issues, and had nightmares about being haunted by the demons from her past.
The trailer starts of slowly, it tells us the family is going to adopt a child, called Esther. She seems like an innocent girl through her facial expressions, as she is smiling. We slowly find out the child is bad and causes trouble, she has some problems. Esther starts screaming and becomes violent in the toilet, which automatically suggests she is trouble. Everything cuts off and it says in black and white "I think there is something wrong with Esther". The colour black connotes evil and darkness, whereas white connotes purity and peace. Moreover the thing that's wrong with Esther isn't revealed, so its a mystery, which would get the audience thinking and wanting to know. The scenes are really realistic, as everything used is natural, the lighting used is ambient lighting, which instantly makes the atmosphere bright. At the start of the trailer as Esther is painting bright colours are used, then colours change to dull colours as Esther is in the toilet, kicking and screaming. This implies a change of emotion and mood, this is when everything kicks in of Esther being not normal, and it suggests the story has a pull to it.
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